Monday, December 2, 2013

Weekly Practice Routine

Weekly Practice Routine

This week, I’m excited to add some new drills to routine, and I’m still going to continue breaking up my drilling into a couple of sessions, 20 minute sessions for the week instead of 15 minute, just so I can spend a little extra time with a couple of things that I really want to work on.

Session 1:

Continued Drills: 2/2/2 from low ready, with a 1.90 second par time, draw to first shot with a 1.70 par time, and draw and 2/2/2 with a 3.00 second par time. Close with 5 minutes of white wall practice to keep an eye on my trigger control. There may still be a little issue, so I don’t want to kill myself with it, but I want to make sure I’m doing just a little work on it.

My draw is creeping lower, but I’m still not consistent, so I want to focus on my form, and once I can do it consistently, drill it home, and then starting working that part time down. I know I wanted to be down to 1.30, and I will get there, but if I can’t do it consistently at 1.70, speeding up is not going to help. I need both, but I need a little consistency.

Session 2:

New Drills: 5 yard target, start with an empty magwell, and re-load. Les wants a 1.50 second par time with us working it down to 1.30 seconds, but I’m a little intimidated with that number since neither Dave nor I was close to 1.50 seconds in practice at all. Today I had the par timer at 1.70 seconds, and had probably a 40% success rate. I’m going to leave it there for another day, before I move it down. (In practice Les had the par at 2.0 seconds) Watching him, and going with a new method of reload, I have zero muscle memory of what I’m trying to do, so I think I need a couple of days to just feel natural with it. Then I can start pushing speed as well as consistency.

5 yard target, draw fire 2 shots, reload, fire 2 shots. Par time of 3.0 seconds, and work that down to 2.8 seconds.

Flow drill, at the beep, come up, one shot, reload, and continue until all mag’s on my belt have been exhausted.

I’ll close it out again with 5 minutes of white wall practice since trigger control is a key, and it’s something I can work on fairly easily.


Basically what I want to do is go hard with as few things as possible in each session, and not try to do too many things at once. My morning session is still about drawing and getting a sight picture, and my afternoon session is about working my re-load. It’s the newest item on the agenda, and it deserves its own full session to get the most benefit.

1,500 loaded rounds are sitting in the cabinet and ready to go. After I do my dry fire tomorrow, I’m going to head up to the range (gotta love vacation!) and get in 100 rounds or so of live fire drills, and test the ankle a bit. Linda is off as well, so she’ll get a some group shooting in, and maybe a little work with the .22 as well. I will shoot the MISS match on Wednesday night as long as the ankle is decent, and we are actually looking at a MISS match on Sunday morning. As far as I know, it’s a new idea to have a weekend match, and I’m thrilled, Linda is as well since she’ll be able to go.

Good week ahead.

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