More CCW Thoughts
I'm starting to get annoyed at the anti-gun propaganda, and people who think that guns in general, and conceal carry in Illinois are the worst things ever to happen to the state. I read the articles and editorials in local newspapers, and frankly am blown away by some of the things that I see.
"Carrying guns is about power, and frankly after I got out of middle school I stopped feeling the need for that power, I feel sad for the pathetic people who still get a kick, and fill some sick need by carrying a gun."
-Chicago Tribune Commenter
"I found your front page December 27th story on training people to carry concealed weapons to be disturbing. I find the issue of people carrying guns in public, in and of itself, to be extremely disturbing. If you need to carry a gun in public to feel safe, that is a mental health issue, not a safety issue."
Michelle Lowy-Springfield IL
Those are just a couple of the nonsense things I see people say, and think. In a way, I'm surprised that so much ignorance exists, and I realize that I should not be. There are plenty of people who are out there who are totally and completely ignorant, yet have strong opinions about the subject matter. Guns, and concealed carry law are not a unique issue, they are just one of the many places where people don't mind making an ass of themselves, without realizing what they are doing or saying.
I've had a gun pointed at me or shown to me three times in my life. In college at a party where I escorted a gang banger from the party, and he came back to show me exactly how tough he was. When I made a sales call and had the owner of the company go and get a shotgun when he heard what company I was from. (There was some history I was unaware of) and again this past fall when I went to find some equipment that had disappeared, and the person who had rented it was gone, there I had an upset Russian shouting at me, and pointing a gun at me.
This is hindsight, but despite all three incidents, I don't think that even if I was carrying a gun, I would have drawn it, much less used it. Bullets are pretty permanent, but my brain is a much better weapon. Someone might ask me, when might I use a gun? The only answer I'd have, is that if I felt that I, my family, or someone was in immediate danger of being hurt, and even though I have been thru it a couple of times, only once did I feel as if I was in any kind of real and immediate danger.
Carrying a gun is a responsibility, it's a burden, and it's a choice. I devoutly hope that I will never ever need to have a gun. I'd been on the fence if I would complete my classes, and apply for my IL permit, but seeing this mass ignorance in way helped convince me that I'm making the right call for myself. I'll finish the 2nd eight hour class, I'll send it my Florida and Arizona applications as well, and when all is said and done, I'll carry legally in 43 or so states. Don't get me wrong, I have no intention of strapping a gun on every single day, for every occasion, but I do want the ability to choose when I think it is appropriate.
I believe that the truth is that people don't realize how many crimes are committed by people who illegally have guns. How many times in the mall have they walked by someone who was carrying illegally? It doesn't just have to be a gang member, it could be a banker, a construction worker, anyone at all. You may never know. There are actually less incidents of mental health issues in people who legally own and carry guns .002% instead of 7% most studies show in the general population. More people in Illinois applied for a CCW permit the first day it was available than applied for Obamacare.
We are constantly taught to not judge the masses by the actions of one. Don't judge all muslims by one terrorist who happens to be one, but all gun owners are generally tarred by the brush of Columbine, Sandy Hook, and the shootings at the Aurora Colorado movie theater. There are still more deaths in the United States as a result of drinking and driving, is the outrage a result of more people are hurt at once? I realize folks don't want facts to stand in the way of what they believe.
I'm not going to tar and feather the people who are opposed, I respect their right to disagree, although I feel it is unfortunate that most objections are buried in ignorance, and it's even more despicable that politicans prey on that fear to advance their own agenda's. It's not about fear, it's not about power, you rarely if ever read or hear of incidents in the other 49 states where owners responsibly and legally carry every single day.
It's a personal choice, and I think every person considering it should read this "letter" that John Krupa of Spartan Tactical Training wrote and was published on Wiilshoot this past week. Be a responsible owner, learn from a responsible teacher.
Be the kind of person who is a model for doing things right, and makes it hard for those with an agenda to attack. Don't give people an opening. Exercise your right safely, as you see fit.
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