Sunday, April 6, 2014

Linda Conquers The Texas Star

Linda Conquers The Texas Star

We trekked up to Pine Tree Pistol Club this morning for a match, and we more or less kept from Linda that she would have to shoot the Texas Star, oh, did I mention that it was not wide open, and that she had to shoot it from in a tube? Yeah, good thing I did not mention that to her either, but as Brad, Kozy, and Les all made sure to let me know, she kicked my ass on the stage. I inexplicably shot the bottom first and suffered, she shot it smart. She get's a well done!

Match Scores

Linda Stage 1 String 1:

Linda Stage 1 String 2:

Yes, she zeroed that one like a pro! Who is the gamer now? Somehow, I missed the video on stage 2, I know why, and that's a whole 'nother story for my blog.

Linda Stage 3:

Linda Stage 4: (She Conquers the Texas Star!)

Linda Stage 5:

It was an up and down match, and she found things she needs to work on, stage plan, reload, but most important something that I still struggle with as well, keeping her composure on a stage when something does not go according to plan. It cost her some standing reloads, but on the whole it was not a bad match for her, and she should find plenty of confidence in what she did on the star!

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