Keeping At It
On the eating front, keeping up my log on My Fitness Pal, have stayed well under my calorie goal each day, and I'm getting smarter about my portions again. The issue normally is that I'm hungry as hell, feel cold, and am tired, I think that's in large part because I'm way under my calorie goal, and I can, and probably should have a couple extra healthy 100 calorie snacks during the day. Once I make it past the first week or so though, life will get infinitely easier, so keeping the willpower now is very important.
Last night in dry fire, we worked some core skills. Starting with El Prez, I set my par time to 6 seconds, and had no problem with that, so I gradually moved the par time towards a 5.0 second goal, but once I hit 5.4 seconds was struggling to push myself to meet the par. I have shot it live faster, so I know I can do this, and as the rust wears off, I think I'll see real progress with this one. I did however feel like I had a very good sight picture (something I can't always say I have) and I think I would have shot it very well.
We did several draw drills, and my time is even a little better than it was on Sunday, so gradually the rust is starting to come off. That felt good. The struggle for both of us was the reload drill we closed out with. Three targets, draw, six shots, reload, six shots, reload, six shots, par time was 6 seconds, and I could not manage it. My first reload was usually pretty solid, but once I was in shooting rhythm, my reloads got progressively sloppy. I can see where 2 reload 2 is key, I need to up my comfort and expand the skill. A single 1.0 second reload is nice, but there are very few reloads where I'm not in a shooting rhythm, and I need to maintain focus.
More drills tonight.....
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