Monday, June 8, 2015

It Rained In May So I Should Update

It Rained In May So I Should Update

I really can't believe how much rain fell in Texas last month, and that really put a hamper on my shooting. Austin Rifle Club just re-opened this past weekend, and was shut down for just about two weeks. This meant no club matches, and no live fire, and that's not a good thing, with Double Tap just a few days away. I did get out on Saturday and blast a couple hundred rounds to brush off some rust, and boy did I need it, but it's not even close to what I need. A mini-match Tuesday night, and then some more live fire practice on Wednesday will have to do.

I also lost some dry fire time when I took my gun in for some trigger work. I'd been having issues with the short, rounded trigger, and wanted a longer and flat trigger. In matches I was tending to push the gun because I was pulling the trigger with about the first knuckle. Hayes Custom did the work, as well as doing a baller trigger job. I'm exceptionally pleased with the trigger work that they did. It meant I was without my gun for a couple of weeks, which meant no dry fire. More than a fair trade off, even if it meant some short term troubles.

Since the last time I wrote, I've added a few more major's. I've already shot Florida Open and Texas Open this year, I have Double Tap this coming weekend, and then I'm off until September in terms of majors. Of course then the schedule gets extremely busy. Early September I shoot Area 4, mid September I shoot Oilfield Classic, the beginning of October I'm headed back to Florida for Limited Nationals, and then end of October I finish my season with the Gator Classic. Six majors and Nationals is by far my biggest schedule, but I'm excited, and as long as I see progress then I'll feel that the investment is worth it. It does mean a solid practice routine is going to matter more than anything.

Finally, because I was impressed with the Hayes work on my trigger, and their other guns that I have spent some time shooting, I ordered a new custom limited gun which we are aiming for being complete sometime in September. I went all in with a 5" sight tracker, with aluminum grip. I don't think the gun is going to make me a GM level shooter, in fact I have no doubt my Edge is always going to be a better gun than I am a shooter. With my traveling for matches this year, I really wanted to have a back-up gun, especially for trips to Florida, and next year the Edge will be that back-up gun. I know it's not identical to the new gun, but for now it's a viable option, and since I'm not in the running to win major's, just be competitive in my division, and shoot the match, I'm fine with that. The new gun however, even if ready will just be a back-up until 2016. Post Gator Classic, I expect to take a month or so off, and when I come off hiatus, that's when I'll start working with the new gun.

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