APSC Special Classifier Match 4-2-16
First USPSA match in 6 months, the last one I shot was Oilfield Classic in September of last year, and this was the first time for me to break out the Dan Wesson PM-9 and compete in the Single Stack division. With very little committed practice until this past week, I did not have high expectations, and for once, I was okay with that. The basic goal was to just get classified, but it was also to get back into the swing of things in terms of basic match skills. I needed to hear the buzzer, feel a little bit of pressure, and get used to the 1911. Call this part of what started this week, a test of where I'm at, what I've lost, and what I need to work on.
I had issues for 4 of the 6 stages with the Wilson Combat ETM magazines, as in they would not strip the top round, so most times, I'd get one round off before the gun would not return to battery. Big league struggle that about had me wanting to pitch the gun, the mags, or myself into the berm. Officer W. Moore hooked me up with a couple of Dawson Precision Mag's with Tripp Followers, and all of a sudden, everything ran fine. Because the big thing for me was to get classed, I paid an extra $10 ($5 per stage) and re-shot 2 stages, just so I could have a "number" get sent in to USPSA. Not a practice I endorse generally for any reason, but right or wrong, I justified it this time.
No amazing runs, in fact most runs were generally "C" class, I took more time than I needed to get hits, and I can see where my transitions have slipped.
Overall stats:
33 Alpha
2 Bravo
16 Charlie
4 Delta
9 Mike
Those numbers are definitely skewed by the stages where I took mikes because I could not complete the course of fire because of gun issues, and going forward I know the 33/16 ratio of Alpha/Charlie is something that has to improve, but again, this is the starting place, it will only get better from here as I get back into the practice groove.
Bang & Clang: 7.025 HF
Fluffy's Revenge 2: 6.46 HF
Fast n Furious: 4.58 HF
Melody Line: 3.92 HF
Six Chickens: 3.54 HF
Golden Bullet Standards: 0.05 HF (7 Mikes because I could not finish the stage)
Melody Line:
Here's the thing, when the gun ran well, it shoots remarkably flat. The more I shoot with it, the more confidence I'll build. Absolutely love the gun, and now it's just a matter of getting the magazines set-up properly and it should be smooth sailing ahead.
I'll be classed "C" when it's all said and done, and honestly that reflects where I'm at right now. I'm not fixated on earning my "B" or "A" or anything right now. As I practice, I'll improve all the fundamental skills, and with that, the classification will improve on it's own. I'm not going to dwell on disappointment on how I shot, or how much rust is on my game, I can't change the past, but now I've got a point where I can start working.
Linda's Match
Linda is in the same boat I'm in. Little practice, and no matches since last September, plus she ran my new Hayes Custom 6" gun today so she could get classified in Limited since she plans on shooting that division from now on. For me, with the 1911, at least I'm familiar with the platform, so it's not a huge change, but she has never tried the platform, so it was all new to her, and with less than a week with the gun, and only a couple of dry fire sessions, she had an awful lot more to learn.
I think right now, today was more about running the gun, getting used to the platform, and just getting classified while she waits for Hayes Custom to build her gun. That said, her gun will be a 5", not a 6", and have a different grip, so she will have even more changes in store for her, but, again, gotta start somewhere, and start to rebuild lost skills. Bottom line, she had fun being out there again today, and the results will improve as she learns the platform.
Linda's Stats:
35 Alpha
4 Bravo
15 Charlie
4 Delta
6 Mike (4 the result of not being able to finish a stage with the ammo/spring issue)
Bang & Clang: 4.36 HF
Fluffy's Revenge 2: 5.03 HF
Fast'n Furious: 1.33 HF (We found the new gun needed a different spring, would not run reloads)
Melody Line: 3.48 HF (Best Finish 10/18 Division 29th of 50)
Six Chickens: 0.00 HF (4 Mikes....)
Golden Bullet Standards: 2.09 HF
She had one "C" class run, and the other's high "D's", again, not great, but she walked away feeling better than expected after her hiatus. Same deal as me, she will be classed, and she has a place to start, and get back into the game this spring and summer.
Six Chickens:
Fluffy's Revenge:
Bang & Clang:
This was her first run of the day, first live rounds from the gun, having only run a single mag thru my .40 2011 Edge last spring. So this was all new for her, and honestly I thought I might not get my gun back from her, while she loved it, she admits that she will prefer the 5" she has coming for her own than the 6". I get it, but we'll see if she feels once she shoots 100 yard steel in a 3-Gun match!
About what you would expect from having taken extended time off. Skills are perishable, and there is no reason to cry about it. It was fun to get out and shoot, and it did rekindle some love of the sport, it also gave me some purpose to my practice. I'm anxious to get back to practice, and I'll keep a running update of it via blog this year, partly as a visual display that I'm doing exactly what I committed to doing.
In any case.....Xtreme Bullet's 3-Gun match next Friday/Saturday/Sunday out at Marble Falls, so the next week will be dedicated to getting some shotgun and rifle practice in, while swapping out springs on the 2011 so I can run my reloads. Again, no huge, and high hopes for the match, I want to complete it, and that will be Step 1 for 2016 3-Gun.
Let's revisit this in October when my major season wraps up, and we can see exactly how far I have come, and how committed I have stayed.
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