Thursday, November 14, 2013

Class Bump!

Class Bump!

Got an e-mail late last night (or around 2am, one or other other) from Terry with a screenshot letting me know that USPSA had run their classification, and I had finally earned my “C” card. It is not particularly high at 41.68%, but that’s still a 12% bump from last month, meaning that I’ve been shooting better of late, and that’s a sign of progress. I don’t feel that the card means I’m suddenly a better shooter, it just means I’m moving in the right direction.

Les has been telling me to relax, and not worry about class, enjoy the shooting, focus on my fundamentals, and the class will come. That’s been a hard pill to swallow, especially when I was so close. The fact that now I can shoot a bad (sub 35%) classifier and it does not matter, it’s automatically tossed out does help me relax. I realize that the last few weeks I’ve been shooting cautiously, to not “lose” a “C” card, as opposed to just being relaxed and shooting my best. It’s easier now for that attitude to change. Now I can go out there, and just shoot. Forget all that other stuff, and just focus on getting hits, my transitions, and everything that I’ve practiced. I’d like to think that going forward my classifier scores are going to see some serious improvement because my practice habits will lead to better fundamental skills come match time.

Some good discussions this week with both Kozy and Les about staying focused, the mental aspects of the game and so on. It’s hard for me to accept the idea of just shooting to shoot. I don’t think I always display the outward intensity of Kozy, but I don’t know that I’m that much less intense about improving my game. It matters to me. I know there is no magic elixir, and I’m not trying to shoot a perfect match, I accept I make mistakes, and I need practice. I am however trying to practice hard, get the most from it so when I get to a match, I can focus on my sights, and leave the other stuff behind, make it muscle memory. I know sometimes being passionate can be a problem, and I really don’t let one bad stage carry over to the next, and I really do leave a bad match behind me after I shoot it. Shit happens. Best thing I can do though is learn from it, and move on. The mental aspect shares a lot of similarities to football but there are subtle differences, and that’s something that I guess I’ll have to look at down the road. Now is for seeing my sights, and knowing how to transition. Simple, but the foundation I need.

While I’m happy to have reached “C”, and need another almost 20% to reach “B”, Les is in a place that one day I hope to reach. He’s the #1 Production Class Master Shooter in USPSA, and I’m alternately thrilled and bummed for him. Had his score from Nationals not factored in, he’d have earned his GM card, and I know that’s a personal goal of his. I’m sure that it’s not far off, I just wish it would have been now. That’s some rarefied air, and I hope someday to hit my own goals, whatever they turn out to be.

Dry fire tonight, and then live fire practice on Friday, then class with Les again on Saturday and lesson number 2 beings!

1 comment:

  1. Almost there!

    I started at 28%!

    Hit D class in 08.
    C in 09
    B in 10
    A in January of 11.
    M class sometimes in '12 or '13?
    Maybe I can knock out GM soon... It is fun getting there!
