Saturday, November 23, 2013

MISS Match 11/20/13 Recap

Match Recap

I'm not going to go into detail on the way I shot. We pretty much covered the highlights, and low lights from Wednesday. The DQ was the worst part of the night, that I had a flinch early sucked, and that I shot slow as can be. When I was doing it, I felt like I was going faster, but watching the video, I was slow. The last blog covered that, flinch is now gone, I'm comfortable with my 9mm again, and I turned in some blazing practice. I'm excited to get practicing again, and I want to take my practice attitude, to the match. A club match should not be about pressure, it's about validating what I'm doing in practice, so I need to shoot with the same relaxed feeling I had in practice, and not like I'm terrified that I might miss something. Believe, trust, get to where I can call my shot.

Amici gave me a piece of advice, he told me to think about the DQ until I'm ready to throw up, and keep that with me, so it won't happen again. He's got a good point, we know what I attribute this DQ to, and exactly what I'm going to do to make sure that does not happen ever again. Sure, I'm embarrassed I did it, and I'm glad nobody got hurt, and I'm pissed I put people in a spot the could have gotten hurt. I'll chew on, and do the right thing going forward.

On to some video:

My two plus a hair stages:

Here is Emil running thru the match and doing pretty darn well:

Here is Kozy going out and tearing things up as usual:

Last but not least, here is Les. I'm glad I got the video for his match, and especially his classifier run, which should give him his bump up to GM which he richly deserves. Nobody I know works harder, cares more, and gives back to the sport as a whole than Les. I'm lucky to call him a friend, and proud to call him my teacher. A guy who shoots this well? I gotta make him proud come March!

Thanks guys!

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