I had an exercise in frustration with the match. I had numerous misfires, where the primer was hit, but I had to pull the trigger a second time to get it to fire. I'm 99.9% sure that the reason for the issue was high primers, and not super high, just the nub over the case, where you can barely feel it if you were to rub a finger over it. The Walther would eat this ammo all day long, but the CZ is definitely more finicky and tonight it really cost me. Overall there were a lot of things I did right, and other things that I can do better, so I'm not going to beat myself up, some of this was the result of my week long burnout, the rest some less than perfect execution.
Stage 1: Shoot 'Em Up (East 1)
The short version is that I did not have good hits. I had one miss on a low target, and I had a lot of delta's. My movement felt stilted, and I never felt like I cut loose on this stage. I did have my first misfire on this stage (I had at least one on every stage).
Stage 2: Dan Steely (West 1)
Continuing the theme, I just did not see my front sight and break the shot when I should. I had another mike (on the misfire) but just in general poor hits. My time was actually not horrible when compared to most other shooters, but Les and Jay Carillo were about 9 seconds faster each, so I'd love to see how they shot it (accurately I would guess).
Stage 3: Melody Line CM99-08 (CLASSIFIER)
This did not go the way that I had hoped. Despite practicing my reloads I still bobbled the re-load, and if you notice I had two misfires on the string. Tony was busy trying to give me procedurals, but pulling the trigger twice to make it go bang is not a procedural. My time of 10.80 was slow, and my Hit Factor appears to be about a 58%. I was extremely disappointed by this run. We had some time after we finished the stage, and I re-ran it in 8.63 seconds with 52 points, which would have been a 74% run. This is one I should have crushed, instead I'll just replace a 33% with a 58%. Good I guess, but not what I wanted.
Stage 4: Double Leaner (East 2)
We had run late with the doors staying open early, and the ventilation system shutting down and having to wait to reset and restart. I was the next to last shooter on the last stage, and I had it in my mind to just cut loose, and go out and shoot fast. I did that, and my hits while not great were not horrible either. What got me, was the same thing that had me all night, two mikes, one the result of a misfire again at the very end. I liked the way I ran this, and believe it or not I did feel like I had an acceptable sight picture for the better part of this run. Too often I feel I have to have a perfect sight picture which slows me down. I won't go this speed all the time, but I can pull it out when I need to.
Full Match Video:
The misfire issue is going to be a non-issue, I'm going to take all my CBC brass and pull it, and the loaded ones make into practice ammo. My "match grade" ammo will not have any of it, it will be brands I know, I trust, and am 100% confident that the primer is seated properly. Sure I was bummed I cant take the easy path with two high B's to earning my B card, but it's okay, this still helps, and I'm going to get my card anyhow. If I can't run off 3 more good classifiers now, then frankly I don't deserve it.
I was big time down about the classifier, but I did get it out of my head and was focused on what I wanted to do on the last stage. I'm looking at this as an opportunity to learn, not a setback. I'm back on the good dry fire regime, and I am going to burn out some of the little mistakes I made here. Being realistic, I need to maintain my focus on my front sight, in hindsight I had very little discipline with that last night, and that is part of the reason I tend to see past my sights to the target, my focus is on the wrong thing.
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