This was a long, morning. I was prepared, but made plenty of mistakes, it was not until the last stage that I shot a stage that felt good, and even that came with 2 mikes. In a way, I'm glad to take a few days off now, just dry fire, do a full Skills and Drills Class on Wednesday, and shoot the next match on the 19th. A ten day break to get back to hard practice is going to be just what the doctor ordered for me. I do have to give a shout out to Linda, who shot a really great match, her first match with her decked out gun from Automatic Accuracy.
Stage 1: Blame Brownie (East 1)
My stage plan was okay, I was just very slow, never found a shooting cadence, and had a mike on my last target, for some reason I took 3 shots at the next to last target, and only one shot at the last target. This could have been worse, but it really should have been a lot better.
Stage 2: Long Range Mind Games (West 1)
Mental mistake started it off, I was supposed to re-engage the far left paper target a 2nd time from inside the box, and I never did that. Not sure what I was thinking, but the truth is that I was just not thinking, and I knew it as soon as I was going to reload, plus I stuck a bad reload in there.
Stage 3: CM 03-11 El Strong & Weak Pres (Classifier)
I was keyed up for this one, I had dry fired, worked my transfer and so on. First string I had a bad reload, I missed the mag release button, and took an extra second to get reloaded, although the 11.38 time was still plenty good. I had all my hits at this point, and felt that with a sub 14 second run on the 2nd string, I would be just fine, and have my 60%. Second string went just fine freestyle, all good hits, but things went downhill fast weak hand, and I had a couple of mikes, and realized I put one thru the no-shoot. In order to zero the stage, I went back freestyle, and put 4-5 thru the no-shoot to the dismay of everyone who thought I had it. It was a bummer to do this. This one will haunt me as one I should have had, but as a result, I will start adding a little weak hand shooting to most live fire sessions, even if it's just a mag.
Stage 4: Still His Fault (East 2)
No real complaints. I did not sprint to the first position, but I got my hits, second position I blazed thru with a very good cadence. Third position I again had good hits, and stayed fast, and in the last position, my cadence slowed down a bit, and did not need to. I was fast enough, but 2 mikes (one into hard cover) cost me. I would not run this one any slower though, my first mike I called as being close.
Full Match Video:
I had a great cadence on the last stage, so I know I can shoot fast, and I can do it accurately, I need the confidence to do that all the time though. The rest of the match was a mishmash of errors, not following the front sight, and general mistakes. I'm not going to beat myself up too much though, what's done is done, time to put in some work again, get on the dry fire and kick some butt on the 19th. It's definitely time for a well deserved day off.
As I said before, Linda shot better, I know the overall result is still not what she wanted, but coming out of the match she has a lot more confidence. She knows she can reload, draw, move quickly, and transition well, she had a few instances of not following her front sights, but for her 2nd match with this gun, and first with it back and worked on, she's happy. I'm pretty proud of her as well. Here is her match video:
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