Saturday, June 27, 2015

Texas Multi-Gun Match (3-Gun) & A Zone Match (USPSA)

Texas Multi-Gun Match (3-Gun) & A Zone Match (USPSA)

Stage 1:

First stage here was a little rough, I was incredibly nervous.  It was a little difficult to line up the steel down range with the rifle. It is my second time picking up a rifle, so I knew I had to be patient. I enjoyed getting to pistol because it feel comfortable.  I think I finished the last 2 arrays pretty good.

Stage 2:

This stage felt better expect for forgetting to reload after the paper targets with my pistol. I tried a different rifle for this stage, and this rifle was AWESOME! I was able to hold it with more confidence, and the optic was perfect.  The steel down range was much better to see for me and correct where I was aiming.  Running is still an issue for me, so it was nice to see I actually hustled to the next array. I did good on the paper targets but forgot to reload coming into the ending steel.

Stage 3:

Had long range steel and a plate rack! I enjoyed the steel, the plate rack is something to get used to on where to aim. I had a ammo problem so I didn't get to finish the stage, but at this point in the match I realized I liked hitting the steel at a distance and hearing the "HIT".

Stage 4:

Shotgun...was waiting for this all day. I wasn't sure if I would like the shotgun, I was assuming that I would not like it based on what I had thought it would be like to shoot one. This stage was great to use all 3 guns finally. I had trouble with one steel plate and looking at it now, I wasted so much time getting pissed at the plate I should have just moved on. The rifle part we good on paper, I had all my hits. The first 2 shots of shotgun had to be on paper, and I got 1 of them. The shotgun kicked on me after that first shot, I had a hard time lining up the sight again. On the plate rack it was again difficult to know where to put the sight and hold the gun for me. The shotgun here is not set up for me but I let it control me.

Stage 5:

Again with the rifle here, I really enjoyed it.My hits were good on steel and paper. The shotgun I didn't hold properly so it kicked alot. I turned the gun the wrong way when I was reloading so I was doing everything backwards. I would say that cost me time, but today I wasn't worried about time, it was about safety.

3-Gun Thoughts & Summary:

I am glad I shot a 3 gun match. The shotgun wasn't what I made up in my mind at all. Open guns are louder them shotguns, and if I held the gun right I probably would have been able to control it better. I am thankful for the people that were kind and gracious to use their guns, equipment and ammo to shoot the match. I really like the rifle and the setup of it. If it was 2 gun (pistol and rifle) I would be sold and figuring out how to get set up to shoot. The shotgun would be the biggest learning curve I would have. It just seems so big.  I think I would go shoot another 3 gun match, but to get competitive I am not sure where my thoughts are on that.

A-Zone Match:

Roscoe Rattle:

One the first string, I hit the no shoot. I see on the second string, I have a mike on the left target. After I was done shooting, got some feedback that my flinch is present. I think my reload was pretty good for the positive thing I could find. I think I am also seeing I need to grip better. The gun seems to be moving to much. I can't see it in the video, but I think on the right target that the gun was bouncing up and down alot.

Steel String:

Looking at all these strings, I see that I need to grip better. My draw is not bad at all. String 2 is by far my best string, even with the misses was 4.75. I hate saying it but I should have slowed down to see my sights better.

Shoot House:

This was the first stage of the match and it felt good. I can see in the video I hustled. I held the gun, my reloads were good. On the first array I did not see the swinger at all and just squeezed 2, by doing that I clipped the no shoot in front of it.

4th Stage:

Thought are nothing was good about this stage. I messed up on the steel cause I thought I heard it hit, but in reality I was hearing sound from shooting in between barrels. Stupid on my part, but next time I think I will ask the RO if he can call hit on the steel. The back paper targets were good, the plate rack was got awful. I have done way better in the past on a plate rack.

USPSA Summary

It was nice to get a match in after work. After shooting 3 gun the Saturday before, my shoulder and arm were sore and bruised up, so was hoping it wouldn't effect me shooting. It didn't. The only thing I find that stops me from shooting better is myself. Stage 1 felt great and shooting as a family was a the best highlights of the match. Stuff to work on with consistent dry fire and need to get some live fire in as well.

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