Monday, November 25, 2013

Practice This Week

Practice This Week

Now that the draw has been added to my practice, I'm kind of excited again to get back to practicing. Doing the same 2/2/2 drill for over 3 weeks has been mind numbing, but I admit it has really helped me find a shooting cadence, and has helped me focus on my front sight. I need more live fire, and I'll have that on Tuesday night, but new stuff? Fun Stuff!

So, Les gave me a par time of 1.70 to work the draw, and I'm doing that 5 minutes per 15 minute dry fire session. I'm working low ready 2/2/2 for 5 minutes with a 1.90 par time (original assignment of 2.80), and the last 5 minutes I'm drawing and going 2/2/2 at a Les assigned 3.80 par time. I had to e-mail Les and ask if that was correct. He responded letting me know that it is correct, and that what we are looking for is 2 strings of 3.80, one with the draw, and one with the reload. If I do that, then I'm actually below where I need to be on the El Pres, which was mid 8 seconds. That's all good and well, and frankly I'm excited, but with a 3.80 second par time, I can draw, get my 6 shots off, and about have the gun in the holster before the par time sounds, that is not pushing me, and I'm getting good looks, and clean presses. I'm going to start pushing my par time down to see what I'm actually running it in.

Anyhow, that's a 15 minute practice session, and I'm running that twice a day, four times a week. I'm also doing 5 minutes of white wall practice a couple of times a day, every single day. Partly because of the flinch that I developed, but mostly because it's helping me continue to develop a steady, straight trigger pull that does not move my sights, and I think it's making my 2/2/2 drill work that much better since I'm finding that my pulls are more consistent, and the sights are not moving.

Even with just a couple of days of practice on the draw, mine feels so much better, and tomorrow I will start to drop that par time down to 1.60, and go from there. Yeah, I know it's slow still, but I'm coming up and getting a good sight picture with no sights bobbing. In addition, practicing the draw again has me just knowing where my hand is going, and I'm consistently grabbing the gun cleanly, instead of fumbling with my hand on the grip.

Going to work on loading 1,200 rounds or so over the next day or two since I'm home on vacation, do a little extra dry fire work, and I suspect make an extra trip up to the range to do some live fire work as well. Tuesday night is for working with Dave, but with nothing to do, I may run up on Wednesday and drill. Looking forward to Thanksgiving with the Brown's as well!

Not that it has a thing to do with Thanksgiving, but this is some pretty damn good beer. Thanks to Kozy for introducing me to it, and for selling me a case.

1 comment:

  1. That coffee stout is awesome!

    I greatly enjoyed the case I bought!

    (I used it to cook a MEAN beef stew! OMG good!)
