Monday, October 28, 2013

Weekly Schedule 10/28/13

Weekly Schedule

6 Days until the kick off of “Plan B”, so one more week of not dry firing, forums, or otherwise enjoyable related activities to turn my mind into mold-able mush. After an enjoyable weekend, where I took Sunday off from what likely would have been my last outdoor match of the season, I’m looking at what is on the docket.

Tuesday looks like I’ll head up to Alpha Range and help set-up for the Wednesday match, and get a little .22 work done before we set-up. It’s been a week since I've shot, or dry fired, and I really want to get a little freshening up done. I’ll just do some group work, and some timed fire.

Wednesday match with MISS, and classifier CM 03-09 On The Move. I need to do some prep work, get my math down, and figure out times, looking for a hit factor between 5.2 and 6.2, but I need to know what that means time wise, with 90% of the points. I will also be delivering my Glock 34 to it’s new owner, may he take it out of the safe and use it more than I ever did, and I hope he enjoys it.

Saturday “Plan B” goes into effect with the first session with Les and David up at Alpha Range, which I am incredibly excited for. It’s time the show get’s on the road.

Sunday I’m planning on going up to Pine Tree in Rockford for a match there. It’s closer than NPCC and it’s indoors, so I hope for a reasonable showing and a solid performance in my first match there since March.

Next week I’ll be back on schedule with live fire practice with David, and doing dry fire drills. MISS shoots again on Wednesday night, so I’ll have 3 matches and classifiers inside in 7 days time. Need some good showings, but since I want to clean up my classifiers, and get my C card, this looks like a great opportunity to do just that.

To get ready, I’m going to have to do some re-loading; I’ve got an order of 124 grain bullets shipping from Bayou Bullets end of this week. I’m switching from 147 down to 124 simply for the cost, pay about the same amount and get an extra 500 rounds. For what I am doing this winter, and for practice purposes, I think that’s a reasonable call. Since I am out of bullets, I had to toss an extra 500 147’s onto my order this morning, so I can cover the 500 I’m borrowing from Kozy. Big thanks there!

Even though it’s 6 days to kick off, I still have some work to do in order to be ready to get started. This is a good thing, it’ll help distract from the fact that I’m anxious to be practicing.

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