Wednesday, January 29, 2014

CM 13-05 Tick Tock Practice

Classifier Practice

Tick Tock is the name, and it's the classifier for the WIIT. Tonight I accidentally forgot my belt at home, so it limited in what I was actually able to do while practicing. My goal was to set up CM13-05, Tick Tock, and get some baseline runs in on it. Find out what I am capable of doing on it, so I know how to structure my practice for it this week. This classifier is a table start, which means gun is unloaded on the table, along with 2 magazines. When the buzzer beeps, I grab the gun, slam the mag home, rack the gun, and fire 2 shots at each of four targets, reload, and repeat the shooting.

WIIT Matchbook

I ran it 6 times, and here are the results:

Stage is 16 rounds, 80 points.

Run 1:

9.12 Seconds Total
3.40 Second to First Shot
1.79 Seconds to Reload

7 Alpha, 2 Bravo, 6 Charlie, One Delta, One Mike.
56 Points
6.14 Hit Factor

I pushed myself to go as fast as I could, my splits and transitions were good, but I had way too many charlies, and the delta and mike are inexcusable at this distance.

Run 2:

9.49 Seconds Total
3.24 Second to First Shot
1.85 Seconds to Reload

10 Alpha, 1 Bravo, 3 Charlie, 2 Delta
64 Points
6.74 Hit Factor

Still not happy with the 2 Deltas, but the first shot was good, and the reload was acceptable.

Run 3:

9.87 Seconds Total
3.56 Seconds to First Shot
2.40 Seconds to Reload

14 Alpha, 2 Charlie
76 Points
7.70 Hit Factor

This was my overall best run of the day, I felt like I saw my front sights better than the first two runs, but I wasted a lot of time on the first shot and reload. This is the shooting cadence I want, with an improved first shot and reload.

Run 4:

10.28 Seconds Total
3.58 Seconds to First Shot
2.19 Seconds to Reload

13 Alpha 3 Charlie
74 Points
7.20 Hit Factor

I had trigger freeze after the first shot, I went all the way out and could not find the trigger, coming back, it was a bizarre feeling, but something I repeated in the next two runs as well.

Run 5:

10.70 Seconds Total
3.38 Seconds to First Shot
2.43 Seconds to Reload

12 Alpha, 2 Charlie, 1 Delta
70 Points
6.54 Hit Factor

Trigger freeze again after the first shot, slow first shot, slow reload, and again a delta.

Run 6:

10.90 Seconds Total
3.73 Seconds to First Shot
2.30 Seconds to Reload

15 Alpha, 1 Charlie
78 Points
7.16 Hit Factor

Same trigger freeze, but I have an idea on what I'm going to do to fix it, and painfully slow first shot and reload, but again, I had good hits, and the points kept my Hit Factor over 7.

The catch with with classifier is that it is a new classifier, so there is no data on a high Hit Factor. If I don't know what a 100% run is, I'm not sure where I need to be in order to get my 60% or greater. I thought, and Les thought it was in the neighborhood of 10.5, and I called Kozy and he thought it was 9.5. Analyzing this, if it truly is a 9.5, a Hit Factor of above 7 should give me somewhere above a 71%, but if it is 10.5, we are talking it'll be in the 60th percentile. While I believe Kozy, I'm also going to set my par time, and practice as if 10.5 is the high hit factor, and I need an appropriate time.


I find it strange that the more I ran it, the slower I ran it. My effective split/transition was about .21/.39, any faster and my hits really suffered. I think I need to set my par time to 3 seconds to first shot, and 1.8 seconds on the reload. I never was that quick getting to the first shot, but I think I can, and the 1.8 is a time I beat on my first reload, but I kept getting slower. If I can shave off .7 on my draw from my last time, and .5 from my reload, I can have a slow shooting cadence, and still cut 1.2 seconds from that time. If I were to run it in 9.7 seconds with the same points my hit factor jumps to just over 8.

Setting and practicing some par times for the table start and reload is going to happen, and I'm also not going to go all the way out to constant double action pulls in my dry fire, I'm going to spend some time not releasing the trigger all the way, so I don't get used to running the trigger all the way out, and I start to adjust to how short the single action pull of my gun really is.

Advantage one of "Plan B" as put together by Les. Even if I don't have a high hit factor, I can take some baseline live fire times, and help build par times to practice, and improve this score. If I did not understand the scoring, then I'd have no idea what, or how to practice. This is just another small piece of appreciation for what I'm learning, and how just a gift of that little piece of knowledge can go a long way.

I closed out practice with some group shooting, one shot into a target, and then try to put the next shot thru the very same hole. I ended up with some excellent groups, so again, I realize that I have an accurate gun, it's easy to shoot, and I can shoot accurately when I focus in on that front sight, something I just don't do enough. To get my groups, I could not look beyond my sight to the target, I had to keep my eye on nothing but the sight, and essentially call my shot.

I can do this shit, not just on steel, on paper. It's a matter of staying on that front sight, and not rushing. Focus! I can own this shit. My own pacing, and my own mental mistakes are my biggest problems. I can shoot, I can shoot quick enough, I can shoot accurately enough, I can draw well enough, transition, and reload too. Stop rushing, stop being in a hurry.

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