Friday, January 31, 2014

CZ Circle Complete

CZ Circle Complete

Linda got her CZ SP-01 back from Automatic Accuracy today, and she is pretty happy with the work that they did. I won't say we saved a ton of money buying the stock SP-01 and getting work done on it, it was a few hundred cheaper than the Shadow, but a few hundred here, and a few hundred there, and we're talking real money, no? Yes, savings are good!

So what are the big differences? The Shadow trigger is hands down better, it's crisp, the short trigger reset makes a huge difference, it's a longer reset with the SP-01, and a little mushy, but the double action pull might even be lighter than my already broken in Shadow pull is, and that's a feat in and of itself. I assumed it was simply salesmanship when they told me that they loved how the trigger came out. They were not kidding.

For both Linda and I, no excuses, GM caliber guns and equipment, we'll go as far as we are willing to put work in to succeed. I was happy to dry fire again today, and it was nice that Linda had her own gun to do some work with as well. Friday is some live fire, more classifier work for me, but Linda is going to work her own ball and dummy drills, and see where she is with her flinch, and hopefully she'll have it under control.

Short blog for today, I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves again. Linda's SP-01 with the red aluminum grips, my SP-01 Shadow, and the green P-01. Remarkable how we are fully in the CZ camp now. I suspect that since I had an early blog about my choice to shoot Walther, I'll have to update, and do a blog in the future about why we are choosing to shoot CZ, and why we'll be there for an awful long time.

Good times!

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